
Our goal is to help creators find tools that help them create HIGH-quality content, go viral, and monetize their audience.

Here's how it works

We Discover Tools

We do the hard work for you by discovering cool tools for creators.

We Give It To You For FREE (or discounted)

We’ll work our negotiating magic to get you a CRAZY good deal.

You Grow & Monetize Your Audience

You leverage the tool to better grow and monetze your audiences.

What Are You Waiting For? Join 11,000+ Other Creators Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

We try to send emails to your inbox 2 – 4 times a month. We WILL NOT spam your inbox multiple times a week.

Our emails focus on 1 product/software at a time. Click here to view a sample email.

Yes! Please send us an email at please-reply@trendwatchers.co for more information!