
Almost There!

Fill the form below to take your music viral 🚀

How It Works

1. Submit Your Music

Send us your music by fill in the form below.

2. We'll Post It To Our Platform

After your submission is reviewed, we'll push it to our platform in the music section.

3. Go Viral

Our influencers will use your music in their videos/content.

Why does advertising with Trend Watchers work?

Thousands of creators check our platform daily for new things to create content around.

Why Does this matter for you?

If luck is on your side, a large influencer may use your music around their content allowing you both to go viral 🔥

1 Submission Could Make Your Music Could Go Viral On...

Frequently Asked Questions 🧐

We charge $10 per song submission. To prevent spam & to increase the odds of influencers creating content around your music, we only list 5 songs a day.

Your listings will stay up for exactly 60 days. After that, they will expire & will be deleted from our platform.

We have ALOT of large creators who depend on our service for content ideas. Depending on how they react/use to your music, it will directly impact how “viral” it goes.

To prevent spam & to increase the odds of influencers creating content around your music, we only list 5 songs a day.

Due to our low music upload, it may be a few days to weeks before your music goes live on our site. You can get a estimated wait period by submitting your music down below.

Our platform covers all music genres.

Yes, you are allowed to submit multiple times, but we will upload only upload 1/song a week from your backlog. This will help keep our directory diverse.

Yes, you can submit anyone’s music on our platform.

Your music will be listed in the “Roast My Music” section in the entertainment trends.

Why is this category named “Roast My Music”? 


Well, to make it easier for our content creators to create content around your music, we decided to give this section that name. Not only will this help our creators, but it will also improve the chances of your music being used by them!

Your music name & link will be placed in a green card like this. When users click on the green card, they will have the option to checkout your work.