
We Use AI To Help Creators Go Viral With Trends

Discover What's Trending With Trend Watchers

Dejon, Founder of Trend Watchers

I used to be a full-time YouTuber

Then my channel got demonetized...

This experience taught me the importance of leveraging trends to get traffic & channeling it off social media to diversify my online income. To help others avoid the mistakes I made, I created Trend Watchers.

How Trend Watchers Works

1. Discovery

Log in to discover what’s trending in your niche.

2. Creation

Next, you’ll want to create content around the trend you just discovered

3. Go Viral

With time, persistence & luck, your video may go viral!

4. Redirect & Upsell

With Trend Watchers Automated, we’ll next show you how to redirect & upsell your traffic

How The Trends On Our Platform Look

Categories We Cover!

Can't Find What Your Looking For?

Use our keyword discovery tool to

Discover high potential keywords with low competition

Discover amazing long tail keywords

Leverage AI to generate unique content ideas that go viral!

Want To Go Viral With Short Form?

We also showcase trends for TikTok, Instagram Reels & YouTube Shorts.

Additional Features

Hundreds of Trends Added Weekly

Advanced Research Tools

50+ Categories Covered

AI Tools To Help You Go Viral

Simplfied & Smooth Dashboard

Plus So Much More!

Here's What A Few Members Have To Say About The Awesome Power Of Trend Watchers...

Frequently Asked Questions

We source our trends from a variety of sources/signals but all of our trends are checked with Google Trends.

Also, all of the trends on our platform have an expiration date.

Fun Fact: If we were to stop posting new trends for 1 year, 90% of the trends on our platform would disappear. You can always count on us to have the most updated database!

Trend Watchers was created for content creators but the trends on our platform can be used by entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, e-commerce store owners, bloggers & much more!

For this deal specifically, we offer a 30 day money back garuntee from the date of your purchase!

Yes, we have free tutorials provided in the help section. We also have a detailed blog showing you step by step on how to use our trends.

Yes, we are always open to sugestions for new categories!


We have a few programs within our Viral Academy. The viral academy is a program that helps creators go viral, build an audience & monetize it.

Read this blog post for more details – https://trendwatchers.co/trend-watchers-lifetime-account-migration-instructions/


in online views from creators who use Trend Watchers.

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