Business Opportunities Created 01/14/2020
Market Problem 🤔 Rent in some places isn't cheap. Plus, why confine yourself to one location?
Solution 🤯 Find, modify & live in a van!
How Do I Profit Off This Trend? 💸
For Entrepreneurs / Business Owners There are better opportunities out there. For Investors Look into companies/brands that are on the front lines of taking this trend mainstream.
The cool thing about this trend is that there are a wide variety of categories you can look into. Here go a list
Car Brands - Mercedes-Benz - RAM - Ford Transit - Vauxhall Movano - Four Wheel Campers
Places to purchase materials for renovation
- Home Depot - Lowes - Ace hardware store
Outdoor gear brands
- Colombia - Patagonia - Yeti - Under Armor - The North Face - Hydro Flask For Blog Owners/Content Creators If I had the time, I personally would document myself building a van from start to finish. People love watching other people build/renovate things (especially when it comes to homes) and not only could you get paid doing this but you'll be building your own usable mobile home at the same time.
Here go some examples of people doing this on YouTube.
This can be done on any social media platform. Also, If you have the time, create multiple series/episodes documenting your process of installing specific things such as carpet, electrical, plumbing, insulation, etc. For Those In Ecommerce For those that are in Ecommerce, create products or kits designed for people who are interested in building/modifying their vans.
Since space on these vans are very limited, anything with a good purpose that is somewhat minimalistic nature should perform decently.
Early Adaptors 🧍
Check out Nate Murphy's YouTube channel!
He is able to make a living documenting his & other peoples van builds. He also has a website where he sells guide for people interested in creating their own van builds.
Future Predictions 📅
There is just something special about putting hard work & sweat into your own home. Now imagine if you can move this home to some of the most beautiful places in the world.
Thanks to the low cost (compared to buying a home) and mobility capabilities of owning a van, this trend will continue to grow along with the tiny houses trend.
What Are You Waiting For? 😤
There are opportunities all around you. Go get them! The only way to earn BIG money is to spot opportunities yourself. Click here to see if our Opportunity Spotting Bootcamp can help you! |